If you are looking for a program that can calculate the subnet addresses range, subnet masks, broadcast address, net addresses, net prefix and net mask, don´t look for any more, you have just found one of the best. It is LAN calculator.
LanCalculator makes all the above mentioned possible with just one key press. You type in your net address and mask then press a key and all the the information you wanted is displayed. Everything is very easy.
The information shown is:
The IP range, form a min IP to a max IP.
The broadcast address.
Host per network.
You can also choose the way of displaying the information. There are three different ways: binary, decimal and hexadecimal.
Lan Calculator is quick to install and easy to use.
After installing LanCalculator you are able to calculate all the information in your network, and if you have any doubts or questions about something, you can contact technical support that will disperse all your doubts and answer all your questions as soon as possible.